Concerns: Vision/Vision Management Site/Vision Database
User: User Management Site
The Futurama Vision Batch console application can be used to import individual XML-files into Futurama Vision. In this chapter is described how to install Futurama Vision Batch and how to use this console application to import the XML-files.
Visit the Futurama website to download the Futurama Vision Batch code:
- Go to
- Go to the download section of the Support menu
- Log in with user name and password
- Click the most recent Futurama release
- Extract the zip-file
Release folder
Use the release code from the folder Vision_Batch
Installation initial version
If this is the first time Futurama Vision Batch is installed follow the steps in this paragraph. If Futurama Vision Batch is already installed consult the next paragraph 'Upgrading existing version'. To install Futurama Vision Batch follow the next steps:
Create a new folder in which the code from the release folder can be installed
Copy the code from the release folder to this new folder
Copy the license file to this new folder
Rename the default.config to Batch.exe.config (see the description in chapter 'Configuration' for the way the config can be configured)
Upgrading existing version
If you already installed Futurama Vision Batch, and want to upgrade the existing version follow the steps in this paragraph. If this is the first installation of Futurama Vision Batch consult the preceding paragraph 'Installation initial version'. Follow the next steps to upgrade an existing version of Futurama Vision Batch:
There are a couple of configuration settings to be done in the Batch.exe.config. These are the settings mentioned below:
- configuration regarding the logging of errors and warnings
- configuration of encryption and decryption keys to be used for the encryption of xml-data within Vision
- configuration of the connection between Futurama Vision Batch and the Vision Database
See below for this configuration.
Configuration File
In the release folder we provided a default.config. In the Installation steps mentioned above this default.config is renamed to Batch.exe.config. In this configuration section the sections within this configuration file are explained.
configSections and visionSettings
Within the section 'configSections' you find a sectionGroup named visionSettings. This sectionGroup visionSettings is also a separate section in the config under the configSections section. Each section name within the sectionGroup visionSettings is also contained within the visionSettings section. Below a brief explanation of these visionSettings sections.
Configuration Log
It is possible to log errors, warnings, information messages and developers messages with Futurama. In the chapter 'Configuration Log' you can find information how to configure the configuration file to log this information.
Connection with Vision
Within this section 'connectionStrings' the connection with the Futurama Vision Database is defined. In this section the default values of the next parameters have to be replaced by the values that are chosen when configuring the Futurama Vision Database:
- server: the name of the database server (including the instance name) where the Futurama Vision Database runs
- dbname: the name of the Futurama Vision Database
- user: the user of the Futurama Vision Database
- pw: the password of the SQL Server logins that is mapped to the user in the Futurama Vision Database
Activate Futurama Vision Batch
The batch application can be activated by using the Windows command prompt, or by starting a .bat file. To active the batch, the command prompt should be written in the following way:
Batch.exe command -argument1=value1 -argument2=value2
Batch.exe is the executable to start Futurama Vision Batch. Here, command is the specific task you wish to perform, where the arguments are the necessary values required to perform the task. In case these arguments contain special characters (such as a space, or a & sign), it's best to enclose the argument using quotation marks. For example: -datasetid="A new dataset".
The following commands are present:
- help
Using this command shows a help screen. Using this command in a Batch.exe command window will grant you more information on using Batch. So, to start the help section use the following command: Batch.exe help.
- importxmlfiles
By using this command you can import a selection of xml files to the Vision database.
By using the command importxmlfiles you can use the application to import a collection of XML files to a dataset in Vision, without having to use the management site. The following arguments apply to this command (for more information consult the help of Futurama Vision Batch: Batch.exe help):
<add value="password1" key="key1"/>
- -encNode
(Optional) In case the XML is not pre-encrypted, but has to be encrypted during import, you have to specify which node in the XML has to be encrypted. The name of the node is to be submitted as a parameter. Note that you only need to specify the name of the node, and not the XPath to the node. In case the XML is already pre-encrypted, including this argument will raise an error.
Example 1
To import xml-files that are located in the folder c:\files and encrypt these files using the key password_1 (defined in the appSettings section of Batch.exe.config) use the next batch command:
Batch.exe importxmlfiles -path=c:\files -datasetid="dataset members" -enckey1loc=password_1
Example 2
To import xml-files that are located in the folder c:\files without encrypting, and with a PolicyID located in the XML-files using the XPath //Policy use the next batch command:
Batch.exe importxmlfiles -path=c:\files -datasetid="dataset members" -policyid="//Policy"
More information
More information on creating application configuration files:
More information on Batch files:
More information on connectionstrings: