

Concerns: Futurama Vision

User: Developer/System-Administrator


not applicable


Introduction to the Futurama Vision platform in relation to Futurama




Futurama Vision provides a framework to:

  • Hold data that can be used within Futurama
  • Manage Futurama installations within an organization
  • Analyze the use of Futurama applications
  • provide safe access to personal data for endcustomers

 In general, Futurama Vision is an extension to Futurama. It consists of:

1. Vision Database

Futurama itself can connect to external databases (whether they are SQL, Oracle or ODBC in general), but does not contain data itself. In Vision, a database is provided that stores:

  • location of all Futurama installations and Futurama applications within an organization
  • a structure to contain data of individuals (policies) and their relation to the organization

2. Vision Management Site

Together with the database, a web User Interface is provided that can be used by Administrators

3. Optional modules

See picture above. Depending on the Edition, several Vision modules can be implemented:

Futurama Accounts: provides functionality to allow for authentication and authorization of users to Futurama web applications. For example a customer portal.

Futurama Monitor: Allows storage of all Futurama Web sessions. This data can be transformed into useful information on user behavior in Futurama websites.

Futurama Server: Can be used to direct individual Futurama installations centrally when running batch jobs. 

Futurama Register: Is used exclusively for the Dutch pension market (not documented here).

To use Futurama Vision follow the next two steps:

  1. install the Futurama Vision Management Site and the Futurama Vision Database
  2. configure the Futurama Vision Management Site


If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.

Updated: 2014-06-27