

Concerns: Vision/Vision Management Site/Vision Database

User: User Management Site


- Installation Futurama Vision Management Site

- Installation Futurama Vision Database


Description how to import data into Futurama Vision from a zip-file.



This article will describe how to import data into Futurama Vision by creating a zip-file and uploading it from the Vision Management Site.

Process Description

To use this functionality you are required to have the member files saved as followed:

  • Every member should have a separate XML-file.
  • All these XML-files should be joined in 1 Zip-file.

From the startpage you should choose the category "Management" and afterwards you select the option "Import dataset". From this page you can upload Zip-files. This is done by following these next steps:

  1. First choose the zip-file you want to upload;
  2. Next, choose in "Datatype" the type of the files you wish to upload. This input is only relevant in the case of uploading files for the Dutch Pensioenregister. For all the other files leave this input at the default value. For the Dutch market choose the 'koppelvlak' that is applicable for the data you import: Also see point 4 regarding encryption.
  3. By default the PersonKey will equal to the PolicyKey (see Importing data into Futurama Vision for more information regarding these parameters). The value of the PersonKey (and PolicyKey) will be the names of the subsequent XML-files within the zipfiles. It is possible to select another name for the PersonKey (and/or PolicyKey). This can be done by giving the XPath to the PersonKey and the XPath to the PolicyKey (is UserKey in Management Site). In case these input field are filled, in the import process for each XML-file the PersonKey and PolicyKey are found using the XPaths defined. Note: XPaths can only be used in the situation of datatype ‘Other’. For the Dutch Pensioenregister data it is not possible to define the PersonKey and PolicyKey with an XPath. By default the PersonKey is equal to the PolicyKey is equal to the name of the XML to be imported  
  4. It is also possible to import Zip-files with pre-encrypted XML-files, check the box 'Contains encrypted XML' to import encrypted XML. Since the encryption changes in 18.04, data should be pre-encrypted with one key and a  record-specific salt value. The record-specific salt-value is equal to the PolicyKey (is UserKey). So make sure to encrypt your data using the PolicyKey as Salt value. 
  5. After filling in all the information in the field, you can now press the button to import the zip-file. After pressing, the file will be uploaded and a dataset is made. The dataset shall have the same name as the Zip-file.
  6. After importing, a textbox will appear, summarizing the import process and showing potential errors that may have occurred.

For more information on XML, XPATH and XML Namespaces check See the Troubleshoot section below when the error "Maximum request length exceeded" occurs.


Error 'Maximum request length exceeded' occurs while importing

This error occurs because of the default security settings of Microsoft ASP.NET that limit the amount of data that can be sent to a page. The security settings make it so that DDoS attacks (sending huge amounts of data in order to overload the server) are not possible on the webserver. To upload large files, the settings of the web.config file should be adjusted.

Within the XML-node "configuration", the following code should be placed:

<location path="Secure/Vision/ImportFile.aspx">
		<httpRuntime executionTimeout="3600" maxRequestLength="102400"/>
				<!--For IIS 7-->
				<requestlimits maxAllowedContentLength="1024000000">

By entering this code into the "configuration" node it allows the maximum size of the file to be 102400KB, which is 100 Megabytes. The code also adjusts the time-out period of this operation to 3600 seconds, which is 1 hour. Making this adjustment should allow importing Zip-files of size till 100 Megabytes, and the error should not occur anymore.

Related Topics

- Importing data into Futurama Vision: general description how to import data into Futurama Vision

- Futurama Vision – Data: description of vision data and its encryption

- Importing by webservice: description how to import data into Futurama Vision by using a webservice

- Importing with Futurama Vision Batch: description how to import data in Futurama Vision using the Futurama Vision Batch


If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.

Updated: 2014-02-21