User:System administrator
Not applicable
Description how to install the required Futurama Modules
Futurama is divided into 3 separate editions dependable on the desired application you want to develop. In addition to these 3 editions you can decide to do the development with Futurama in house. These 3 editions and development environment have to be installed. At this page a link to the different installation pages is given as well as an explanation of the content of these pages.
The required Futurama installation can be downloaded form the Futurama website
- Go to
- Go to the download section of the Support menu
- Log in with user name and password
- Click the most recent Futurama release
- Extract the zip-file
Futurama license
When purchasing Futurama a licensefile is provided. In this file is stated to whom the license is administered, until which date the license is valid and which Futurama Editions and Futurama Modules can be used. Examples of restrictions within the license file are:
- valid only on a certain domain(name)
- valid only for certain IPadresses
Using these restrictions Futurama is used in accordance with the license conditions without linking the installation of Futurama to a specific PC or Server.
To know more about the Futurama License, you can check the Futurama License page
At the installation pages both the initial installatin and the upgrading of an existing installatin is described. When applicable also the way to test whether you have succesfully installed the Futurama Module is described, as well a troubleshoot section if you encounter problems during the installation.
Consult the next pages for the installation of the different Futurama Editions:
For developing with Futurama also the Futurama Editor has to be installed:
If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.