Concerns:Vision/Vision Management Site/Vision Database
User:User Management Site
In the chapter Importing data in Futurama Vision three methods of importing data into Futurama Vision are mentioned. One of these methods is to import data using a webservice. In this chapter the different webservices are treated. For this, Futurama Vision offers the webservice ImportUsers.svc. This webservice has four different methods:
1. ImportUser
2. ImportPolicy
3. ImportPolicyForProductGroup
4. ImportRegisterPolicy
5. ImportPolicies
6. ImportPoliciesForProductGroup
Depending on the data that has to be imported the right method can be used. The paragraphs below describe for each method how to use it.
Importing Pre-encrypted XML
Importing pre-encrypted policy XML is possible, but the xml must be encrypted using the right key. To know this key, you’ll have to know to which App you will assign the imported dataset to. See Futurama Vision – Data for more information on Vision encryption.
When to use
In the chapter Importing data in Futurama Vision the required parameters in the importing process are treated. Two of these parameters are the PersonKey and the PolicyKey. In the situation that in the member data the PersonKey is equal to the PolicyKey (each person only has one policy, and the name of the PolicyKey is equal to the name of the PersonKey) the ImportUser method can be used. In case the PersonKey differs from the PolicyKey the ImportUser method cannot be use. Instead the method ImportPolicy (described below) has to be used.
Parameters and request
Below an example of the request of the ImportUser method.
<soapenv:envelope xmlns:ns="" xmlns:soapenv="">
Important to note is to give each member the following information:
- namespace:
- SetID, UserKey and XML: See Importing data in Futurama Vision. The UserKey is the PersonKey (and the PolicyKey because these two are the same using this method).
Method name
The method name for this webservice is Note: this MethodName is case-sensitive.
See the paragraph 'Example import by using the Futurama Editor' for an example how to use the Futurama Editor to use the ImportUsers method to import data into Futurama Vision.
When to use
In the chapter Importing data in Futurama Vision the required parameters in the importing process are treated. Two of these parameters are the PersonKey and the PolicyKey. In the situation that in the member data the PersonKey is equal to the PolicyKey (each person only has one policy, and the name of the PolicyKey is equal to the name of the PersonKey) the ImportUser method (described above) can be used. In case the PersonKey differs from the PolicyKey the ImportUser method cannot be use. Instead the method ImportPolicy has to be used.
Parameters and request
Below an example of the request of the ImportPolicy method. In comparison to the ImportUser method, the ImportPolicy method requires an extra parameter to be filled in.
<soapenv:envelope xmlns:ns="" xmlns:soapenv="">
Important to note is to give each member the following information:
- namespace:
- SetID, PolicyKey, PersonKey and XML: See Importing data in Futurama Vision for more explanation.
You can also use the ImportPolicy method even if the UserKey and PersonKey are the same. In that case, fill in the same key for the UserKey as the PersonKey.
Method name
The method name for this webservice is Note: this MethodName is case-sensitive.
See the paragraph 'Example import by using the Futurama Editor' for an example how to use the Futurama Editor to use the ImportUsers method to import data into Futurama Vision. The ImportPolicy method works in a simular way.
When to use
With the ImportPolicyForProductGroup you have the possibility to link a dataset to a ProductGroup. In the menu Security of the Futurama Vision Management Site you can declare which users of the Management Site have the right to consult what pages. An user of the Management Site can then only consult the datasets that have the same ProductGroup as the ProductGroup that they are a part of. See also paragraph "Overview of imported datasets" in Importing data in Futurama Vision.
Parameters and request
Below are the parameters of the ImportPolicyForProductGroup method:
<soapenv:envelope xmlns:ns="" xmlns:soapenv="">
The difference with the ImportPolicy method is the parameter productGroupName. Here you can fill in the name of the ProductGroup that should be linked to the dataset you wish to import in Futurama Vision.
Method name
The method name for this webservice is Note: this method name is case-sensitive.
See the paragraph 'Example import by using the Futurama Editor' for an example how to use the Futurama Editor to use the ImportUsers method to import data into Futurama Vision. The ImportPolicyForProductGroup method works in a simular way.
When to use
With this method you can import multiple policies at once, this is much quicker for importing a large set of policies than calling ImportPolicy for each policy. The input is a policySet which consists of a setName and a list of policies. A policy consists of a policykey, a personkey, and the XML for the policy.
Parameters and request
Below an example of the request of the ImportPolicies method.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
Important to note is to give each member the following information:
- namespace:
- SetID, PolicyKey, PersonKey and XML: See Importing data in Futurama Vision for more explanation.
You can also use the ImportPolicy method even if the UserKey and PersonKey are the same. In that case, fill in the same key for the UserKey as the PersonKey.
Method name
The method name for this webservice is Note: this MethodName is case-sensitive.
When to use
With the ImportPoliciesForProductGroup you have the possibility to link a dataset to a ProductGroup. In the menu Security of the Futurama Vision Management Site you can declare which users of the Management Site have the right to consult what pages. An user of the Management Site can then only consult the datasets that have the same ProductGroup as the ProductGroup that they are a part of. See also paragraph "Overview of imported datasets" in Importing data in Futurama Vision.
Parameters and request
Below are the parameters of the ImportPolicyForProductGroup method:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">
The difference with the ImportPolicies method is the parameter productGroupName. Here you can fill in the name of the ProductGroup that should be linked to the dataset you wish to import in Futurama Vision.
Method name
The method name for this webservice is Note: this method name is case-sensitive.
This method is only applicable for a Dutch market application. The rest of this paragraph therefore is in Dutch.
Wanneer te gebruiken
De method ImportRegisterPolicy gebruikt u indien u de beschikking heeft over de module Futurama Register en indien u pasklare NPR (Nationaal Pensioenregister) antwoorden wilt importeren. Er is een aantal versies van het NPR-koppelvlak beschikbaar. Binnen elk van de versies is gespecificeerd hoe het pasklare antwoord er uit moet zien. Futurama Vision valideert op basis van het gebruikte koppelvlak of de pasklare antwoorden aan de eisen van het van toepassing zijnde koppelvlak voldoen. Hiervoor is het noodzakelijk om het datatype mee teven waar de antwoorden op gebaseerd zijn. Geldige NPR datatypes zijn NPRv1, NPRv2, NPRv2_1, NPRv3_0, NPRv4_0, NPRv5_0 en NPRv6_0. Zie onderstaande een voorbeeld van een aanroep van de ImportRegisterPolicy.
Parameters en request
Onderstaand een voorbeeld van de aanroep van de ImportRegisterPolicy (de parameter encryptionKey2 kan gebruikt worden tot en met Futurama 18.03. Vanaf 18.04 is versleuteling per definitie met 1 generiek wachtwoord (encryptionKey2 en 1 persoon afhankelijke Salt-waarde):
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:ns="" xmlns:soapenv="">
De encryptie keys dient u op te geven indien de NPR-antwoorden die u wilt inlezen versleuteld zijn. Zie voor meer informatie over het versleutelen van gegevens de paragraaf 'Encryption' in het hoofdstuk Importing data in Futurama Vision. Specifiek voor de ImportRegisterPolicy method is het van belang dat in de versleutelde XML de elementen BSN, PA en PUV niet versleuteld zijn. De rest van de gegevens mag wel versleuteld zijn.
Method naam
De method naam voor deze webservice is Let op: deze method naam is hoofdletter gevoelig.
Zie de paragraaf 'Example import by using the Futurama Editor' voor een voorbeeld hoe met behulp van de Futurama Editor gegevens in Futurama Vision geimporteerd kan worden. De method ImportRegisterPolicy werkt op een soortgelijke manier.
Example import by using the Futurama Editor
It is possible to use the Futurama Editor to import data into Futurama Vision by using one of the four webservices mentioned above.
Download the Futurama Document Example importusers webservice.
After downloading the example follow the next steps:
- Open the Futurama Editor
- Open the example in the Futurama Editor. Note that the example is created in Futurama version 4.3. This means that Futurama version 4.3 or higher has to be used to open the file
In the file a number of Futurama Objects are created:
- the Action 'ImportData': within this Action a reference is created to the WebReference 'Import webservice' (see below). By executing this Action (either manually in the Editor or automatically by batchfile) there willbe a request to the webservice ImportUser.
- the WebReference 'Import webservice': this WebReference does have some properties that need to be filled in. These are the URL to the importusers.svc webservice, the XML input (i.e. the request) and the MethodName. The URL is the same for the 4 methods described above, the MethodName is different for all the methods.
- the XMLBuilder 'ImportUser': select with the left mousebutton this XMLBuilder, and check the Results Window. By using the XMLBuilder it is possible to 'build' the request according to the specifications in the paragraphs 'Parameters and request'.
In this example there is only one request to the webservice. If you have to do more request (for your entire member population), then use the same construction and extend this with a loop at the Action. In that situation a loop has to be created for all the members. Result is a dataset containing all the member data.
- Importing data into Futurama Vision: general description how to import data into Futurama Vision
- Importing from a zip-file: description how to import data into Futurama Vision by reading a zip-file
- Importing with Futurama Vision Batch: description how to import data in Futurama Vision using the Futurama Vision Batch
If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.