Edition: Futurama Website
User: System administrator
Not applicable
Description how to install the Futurama Website modules
The Futurama Website edition consists of 4 modules: Futurama HTML, Futurama Monitor, Futurama Insight and Futurama Accounts. The module Futurama HTML is a mandatory module, the other ones are optional. Dependable on the license you have, besides the Futurama HTML module also one of more of the optional modules have to be installed. For each of the modules an installation page is available. Mentioned below a link to each of those installation pages:
- Installation Futurama HTML: Installation of the module Futurama HTML
- Installation Futurama Monitor: Installation of the module Futurama Monitoring
- Installation Futurama Insight: Installation of the module Futurama Insight
- Installation Futurama Accounts: Installation of the module Futurama Accounts
Futurama Editor
If you are intended to develop with Futurama, then in addition to the Futurama Website modules also the Futurama Editor has to be installed. See the page Installation Futurama Editor for more information.
Securing access to website
Futurama supports the standard .Net authentication ways to secure the access to a website:
- Anonymous Authentication
- Windows Authentication
- Forms Authentication
Anonymous Authentication
With Anonymous Authentication your website is unsecured. All the users of your website application have access. After typing the url of your application in the browser Futurama will directly grant access to the StartWebpage (see the property StartWebSite) of your application.
Windows Authentication
With Windows Authentication the credentials of the user are matched with the Windows domain through IIS. Only authenticated users of this Windows domain are granted access to your Futurama website application. If the user isn't an authenticated Windows user Futurama will show the Login page (see the property LoginPage) of your application. At this page you can give this user a message that he doesn't have access to your application. If the user has access the StartWebPage will appear (see the property StartWebPage).
Forms Authentication
With Forms Authentication, IIS redirects the user to the login page. This is within Futurama the login.aspx page. At this page only the LoginPage that is defined within Futurama can be displayed. At this page you can verificate the user. In Futurama a special Button can be created to do this verification (see the property ButtonType of the Futurama Object Button). If the user is authenticated the Forms Authentication Ticket is set. From this moment it is possible to redirect the user to another Futurama Webpage. In addition to the LoginPage also a LogoffPage has to be defined within Futurama. After clicking on a logoff button in your website application the user is redirected to logoff.aspx. This page will open the LogoffPage that is defined in your Futurama Document.
See the default.config in the release folder of Futurama HTML for the Forms Authentication settings in the web.config. Note that in the situation of securing the access to your website by Forms Authentication in IIS both the Forms Authentication and the Anonymous Authentication has to be selected. Furthermore the following code has to be added to the web.config:
<location path="default.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
<location path="partial.aspx">
<deny users="?"/>
<location path="logoff.aspx">
<allow users="*"/>
This code has to be placed directly in the configuration tag. The first location element will ensure that users are directed to the Login.aspx and that only authenticated users can access the default.aspx page. The second location element ensures that Partial.aspx (which is used in the application) is only available for authenticated users. The third location element ensures that all users, also the not-authenticated, can access the logoff page. this is necessary for users are directed to this page when they log off. Other *.aspx files (version.aspx, chart.aspx et.c) which exist in the Futurama do not need specific access. These are typically only needed when users are logged in.
When DigiD is used for the authentication proces, also the following code has to be added to the web.config to ensure that SAML messages are accepted.
<location path="SAML">
<allow users="*"/>
For the behavior of Futurama regarding TimeOuts, LogIn and LogOff consult this page.
Adding custom HTTP headers
The customheaders element of the httpprotocol element in the configuration file of your application specifies custom HTTP headers that Internet Information Services (IIS) will return in HTTP responses from the Web server (the so called Response Headers). An example of the code that can be added to the system.webserver section of the web.config of your application is stated below:
<add value="no-cache, no-store" name="Cache-Control"/>
<add value="SAMEORIGIN" name="X-Frame-Options"/>
<add value="no-cache" name="Pragma"/>
Consult the Troubleshooting page for more information how to troubleshoot problems that may occur during the installation.
Related Tutorials
- Website tutorials: Startpage for all the tutorials, including the tutorials for Futurama Website
If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.