

Version: 17.07 +

Applicable to: Futurama Vision



Futurama Vision File manager can be used to upload files to and download files from external systems. This enables you to do Futurama file management without logging in to these external systems. Your employees can now  release new versions of Futurama applications without having permissions to log on the external system. 



Within the configuration element the next code has to be included:

	<sectionGroup name="futuramaSettings">
		<section type="ActuIT.Futurama.Vision.Config.FilemanagerConfigSection, ActuIT.Futurama.Vision.Business" name="filemanager"/>

Next to this code, also within the configuration element the next code has to be included:

    <filemanager enabled="{true/false}" rootpath="{DEPRECATED}">
            <add path="{path to files to manage}" restrictedFunctionalgroup="{functionalgroup name}"></add>
            <!-- more rootpaths here -->

The visionSettings element is the general part for more configuration settings. Within this element the filemanager element is set.


The two fields within the configuration element are as follows:

  • enabled: This specifies whether the file manager is enabled. The default value is ‘false’.
  • rootpaths (element): [Futurama 17.09+] A list of rootpaths can be listed here. For every rootpath a “path” attribute should be configured by using UNC paths. For example, the path could be set to ‘\\host-name\C$\inetpub’.
    Access to this rootpath should be restricted by setting a FunctionalGroup name in the “restrictedFunctionalgroup” attribute, which will restrict access to this path to users that have access to the configured functionalgroup with this name.
  • rootpath (attribute): [Only for Futurama 17.07 and 17.08] This field specifies the location path on the remote server where the files to manage exist. The location on the remote server should be configured by using UNC paths. For example, the rootpath could be set to ‘\\host-name\C$\inetpub’

Related Topics

- Vision File manager: Explains the usage of the Vision File manager

- Log: Settings for displaying errors, warnings, information messages and developers messages


If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.

Updated: 2017-09-04