Version: 5.3.0 +
Applicable to: Futurama Website
- Futurama-HTML/Web
Explains the usage of the ScenarioRecorder
Scenariorecording allows the recording of a scenario file, which can be used by the Futurama development team to reproduce various situations. The recorded scenario will consist of a .scenario file in a proprietary XML format, that contains a sequential collection of Step-elements, that are made up out of Request and Response pairs. These steps will show what actions have been executed by the systems user, and the resulting WebPage/WebPanel contents that Futurama has generated in response. This contents is formatted in so-called FICO XML-code, which can be transformed into (X)HTML code by applying an XSL file.
If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.