
Version:19.07 +

Applicable to:Futurama Website, Futurama WebService



Futurama Supports the use of a FileProvider. The current provider we support are AzureFiles and BlobStorage (24.07+). You can use this functionality to open files from AzureFiles or BlobStorages.



Within the configuration element the next code has to be included:

	<sectionGroup name="futuramaSettings">
		<section type="ActuIT.Futurama.Library.IO.FileProviderSection, ActuIT.Futurama.Library, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" name="fileproviders"></section>

Next to this code, also within the visionsettings or futuramasettings element the next code has to be included:

		<azurefile name="azurefile" connectionstring="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=accoutnname;AccountKey=accountkey" share="fileshareactuittest"></azurefile>
		<azureBlob name="azureblob" connectionstring="DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=accoutnname;AccountKey=accountkey" container="containername"></azurefile>


Within the fileproviders element you can now add azureFiles or azureBlobs. Within the fileprovider you can add multiple fileshare or blob container definitions.


The name for the  fileprovider.


The connectstring in Azure.

share (for AzureFiles)

The name of the share in Azure

container (for BlobStorage 24.07+)

The name of the container in Azure


Use of the files

After defining a fileshare or blobstorage as above you can reference files by using a filename in the form of name://path, where name is the name of the fileprovider.

Example: When a azure share is specified with the name ‘myazureshare’, you can access the file ‘/myfolder/subdir/myfile.txt’ by using the path ‘myazureshare:///myfolder/subdir/myfile.txt’. Note the usage of the triple slash. The third slash is the first character of the path, and indicates the root directory. Second Note: Always use forward slashes /. The usage of back slashes \ might lead to incorrect processing of the filenames within the fileshare.

Manage AzureFiles

With the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer you can manage your AzureFiles. Download the Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer and connect to your fileshare with the connection string.


If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.

Updated: 2024-08-02