

Version: 4.3.0 +

Applicable to: Futurama Website



In case Futurama is running in Website mode it is possible to save session information. The saved session information can be used for different purposes:

  • permanent saving in a database (sql or oracle), so the web sessions can be reproduced and/or analysed.
  • capturing (temporarily or not) session information. In case of expiration of a session (when the timeout period set in ISS/.Net is exceeded), the expired session can be reproduced. This can be obtained by saving the information in either a database or in memory.

Settings regarding the monitoring of session are set in the monitor-section of the configuration file.



Within the configuration element the next code has to be included:

	<sectionGroup name="futuramaSettings">
		<section name="monitor" type="ActuIT.Futurama.Config.MonitorSection, ActuIT.Futurama.Engine,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"/>

Next to this code, also within the configuration element the next code has to be included:

	<monitor enabled="{true/false}" connectionString="{value}" logStartOnly="{true/false}" sessionTimeOut="{value}" mode="{Sql/Oracle/Memory}"></monitor>

The futuramaSettings element is the general part for more configuration settings. Within this element the monitor element is set.


Within the monitor element some attributes can be set. Below the possible values of these attributes.


Indicates whether the saving of session-information is enabled or disabled. Notes:

  • this attribute is required
  • possible values are 'True' and 'False' 

Indicates where the session-information will be saved. Notes:

  • possible values are Sql, Oracle and Memory
  • for saving information in a Sql or Oracle database, the correct database (tables, stored procedures) has to be installed. See the installation description of the Futurama module 'Futurama Monitoring' for more details 
  • it is optional to write erros in the Sql or Oracle database. This has to be configured in the log-section.

Indicates the location of the Sql or Oracle database where the session-information will be saved. Notes:

  • this attribute applies only in the case the attribute 'mode' is set to 'Sql' or 'Oracle'.
  • this attribute requires a correct installed database and correct assigned rights.
  • in the connection string both the server name and the database name and the userid and the password has to be mentioned. For example for SQL Server Server=servername;Database=name_logging_database;UID=logginguser;Password=password;

Indicates the number of minutes that the session-information will be saved in memory. Notes:

  • this attribute applies only in the case the attribute 'mode' is set to 'Memory'

Indicates whether only the start of a new session should be saved or all actions during a session. Notes:

  • possible values are 'True' (only the start of a new session) and 'False' (all the actions during a session) 


If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.

Updated: 2013-05-24