Module: Editor
Version: 4.2.1 +
User: Developer
Level: Beginner
In this tutorial we will explain how you can work with webservices in Futurama.
- Futurama Webservice must be installed.
- Completing the tutorial Creating formulas with Futurama first, is recommended.
- You need a testtool for the webservice, such as SoapUI.
This tutorial is meant as in introduction on building a webservice yourself. We explain how you can work with webservices in Futurama, and we will show a standard webservice that is an integral part of Futurama. We will test this webservice by using a testtool.
By completing this tutorial you should understand how webservices in Futurama work, so we can start building an actual webservice-functionality ourselves. We then can directly test and show it, without explaing the procedure to do so.
- In the tutorial we don’t show you how to create and configure a webservice application (as this isn’t Futurama specific material). Consult this page for information about the installation process.
- Please note that in more recent versions of Futurama, pressing the 'Evaluate' button will display an error message if the XmlOutput property has not yet been filled in.