Module: Editor
Version: 4.3.0 +
With the VisionReference 'DeleteDataItem' it is possible to delete a dataitem from a Vision dataset. This VisionReference can be used when you want to facilitate visitors of your website to delete information they stored in a previous visit of your website.
The identification code for the dataitem to be deleted, found with the formula 'GetDataItems'
Attention: It is important to realize that deleting a dataitem with descendants will result in an error, with the dataitem remaining untouched. If such a dataitem needs to be deleted, DeleteDataItemHierarchy can be used, but this will also delete all descendants!
A response will look like this:
<Response xmlns="">
<ResultCode code="00000" success="true">
Return codes
The following return codes can be encountered:
- 00000 - GeneralSuccess: The operation completed successfully.
- 01000 - GeneralFailError: The operation caused an error. See the error log of the Vision Management Site for more details.
- 01999 - GeneralFailError: The operation caused an error. See the error log of the Vision Management Site for more details.
- 51007 - DataStoreDeleteFailure: The delete operation could not be completed.
- 51101 - DataStoreItemNotAvailable: The dataitem could not be found/retrieved.
Example soapUI message
In the preceding paragraph the parameters of the VisionReference are listed. The values of these parameters are used by Futurama to compose an XML-message. With soapUI it is possible to see the responses depending on the values of the parameters. Below you find an example of an XML-message. This example can be used in your soapUI project to test the connection with Vision and to see the response for a certain combination of parameters.
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<Futurama path="\\servername\path\futurama" version="1.0" xmlns=""/>
<Document path="\\servername\path\data.xml" version="1.0" xmlns=""/>
<Request method="DeleteDataItem" version="1.0" module="DataStore" xmlns="">
<Parameter name="DataItemID" type="System.Int32" value="15"/>
Within the Header element you find an element 'Document' and an element 'Futurama'. For these elements you have to fill in the path of the Document and the Futurama respectively you also configured in the Apps and Futuramas tab of the Vision Management Site. Within the Request element you find the parameters for this VisionReference. By changing the values of these parameters you can execute different webservice calls.
If you have any questions about this subject or if you want to provide us feedback please send us an e-mail.