
Module: Editor

Version: 2.2.1 +

Type: String

Category: Text



The formula 'CalculateXmlHashcode' calculates the hashcode of  a XML string. The hashcode is calculated by first encrypting the original XML with the MD5-algorithm, and second converting this result to a Base64-string. ‘CalculateXmlHashcode’ can be used to check if two Xml files are exactly the same.



This is the Xml data that has to be converted into a Base64 hash code.



In the Futurama Vision Management Site there is a page displaying all the datasets that have been imported in the Vision Database. These datasets consist of XML-files. It is possible to download a file with all the XmlHashcodes of these XML-files. With this list the XML-files that are uploaded to the Futurama Vision Management Site can be compared with the original data before upload. In general the formula 'CalculateXmlHashcode' can be used to assure that XML-files at one server are exactly the same as the XML-files at another server.  

Updated: 2013-03-25