Module: Editor
Version: 19.05 +
The formula ‘Split' returns a text value as a vector by splitting the text with the given separator. The separator will be deleted from the text and the formula 'split' is case sensitive.
Text: the text that needs to be seperated
Separator: the text that is used as a separator between the values that result in the vector.
RemoveEmptyEntries: true if empty entries must be removed from the result.
In the following example the formula 'split' is used to seperate the text 'Hello World'. The given separator is ' ' so the vector will have 2 elements.
Values parameters
Text: Hello World
Separator: ' '
RemoveEmptyEntries: False
The result is a vector with 2 elements 'Hello' and 'World'. Note that the separator is deleted and will not be included in 'Hello' or 'World'.
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