
Module: Editor

Version: 2.2.1 +

User: Developer

Object Type: Output Object

Parent of:

no children

Child of:

- WebPage

- WebPanel



An HTMLInclude object provides output on your website. It enables you to include HTML text into your application. This will be rendered in your webpage.


DebugLogMode (from version 4.1)

Indicates the level of detail of debug information that is logged during runtime of the website to the trace, a logfile, a database etc. The possible values are:

  • None: no debug information is logged
  • Simple: only basic information is given
  • Extended: in addition to the information in the Simple mode the values of all the properties of the object are shown


Possible values are 'True' or 'False'. If the value is 'False', then the object can only be used within the document where it is created. If the value is 'True', then also from other Futurama documents can be referred to this object. This means that changes in the object also affect the document in which is referred to this object. If the value is 'True' and you attempt to move or delete the object, a warning will be given. To limit these warnings to a minimum it is recommended to set IsPublic to 'True' only when necessary.


Possible values are 'True' or 'False'. If the value is 'True', the object will be rendered and therefore displayed in your application. If the value is 'False', the object will not be rendered.


The name of the object.


Here a comment can be entered. For example a short description of the object.


The unique identification number of the object. This number is automatically generated by Futurama on the moment of creation. This number can be used when searching for a certain object in the Find Window.


In the property HTMLCode you can enter HTMLCode directly. This will be displayed on your website. You will use this property for shorter texts. From Futurama version 18.02 it is also possible to define the texts within a ResourceDocument. See the page Text management and Multi-language.


Here you can refer to an HTML file, in which the HTMLCode is included. You can refer to the file by clicking the edit box and then selecting the relevant file. From Futurama version 18.02 it is also possible to define (a part of) the FileName within a ResourceDocument. See the page Text management and Multi-language.

Relative path

If your HTMLCode requires the relative path to your application, you can do this by including the text


in your code. This text will be replaced by the name of your application-folder. This enables you to link to for instance graphics. See below for an example, when you want to include the graphic info.jpg out of the folder graphics, which is within your application folder. You then should add a HTMLInclude object with the following code:

You can use this feature instead of using the function Relative.Datafilesdirectory.

Related Topics

- Futurama Objects: The Atlas chapter that describes all Futurama objects. See the Output-section for a description of the type of objects this object belongs to.

- WebPage

- WebPanel

Relevant Tutorials

- Styling your website with CSS : At the end of this tutorial an HTMLInclude is added to the webpage.


Updated: 2012-08-14