Module: Editor
Version: 2.2.1 +
User: Developer
Object Type: Output Object
A RadioGroup object provides output on a website. A RadioGroup is a list of options, of which a user can choose only one, by clicking the bullet in front of the options.
The RadioGroup can only be used in combination with the RadioButton object. Within the RadioGroup a list of RadioButtons should be created, each representing a different option.
For example, the RadioGroup can be used to create the answers for a multiple choice question, where only one answer is possible.
DebugLogMode (from version 4.1)
Indicates the level of detail of debug information that is logged during runtime of the website to the trace, a logfile, a database etc. The possible values are:
- None: no debug information is logged
- Simple: only basic information is given
- Extended: in addition to the information in the Simple mode the values of all the properties of the object are shown
Possible values are 'True' or 'False'. If the value is 'False', then the object can only be used within the document where it is created. If the value is 'True', then also from other Futurama documents can be referred to this object. This means that changes in the object also affect the document in which is referred to this object. If the value is 'True' and you attempt to move or delete the object, a warning will be given. To limit these warnings to a minimum it is recommended to set IsPublic to 'True' only when necessary.
Here you should select the UserVariable that gets its value by the RadioGroup. The UserVariable must have the Type 'Long'. The value that the UserVariable gets is equal to the Index property of the RadioButton selected in the RadioGroup.
The name of the object.
Here a comment can be entered. For example a short description of the object.
The unique identification number of the object. This number is automatically generated by Futurama on the moment of creation. This number can be used when searching for a certain object in the Find Window.
In this property you can create a reference to a WebPanel. When the Button is then clicked on in the application, ónly this WebPanel will be refreshed. The rest of the page will not be changed. When the property is left empty, the WebPage will be refreshed as a whole
IndexType (Futurama 19.04 +)
Possible values are Auto and Custom. IndexType Auto means that the Indices of the RadioButtons that are connected to this radioGroup are automatically determined depending on the position of these RadioButtons in the Futurama document. The position of the RadioButtons of a RadioGroup can be viewed by looking to the dependants of the RadioGroup. The first dependant gets Index=0, the second Index=1, etc. IndexType Custom means that the Indices of the RadioButton has to be defined manually. In case of using a WebListBox in combination with RadioButtons it is recommended to set the value of the IndexType of the RadioGroup to Auto.
This example shows the usage of the RadioGroup and RadioButton object.
Download the Futurama Document RadioGroup Example.
- Open the XML-document which is contained in the zip-file in the Futurama Editor (Version 4.2.1 or later).
- Here a RadioGroup object can be seen within the WebPage and WebPanel construction, as well as two RadioButton objects.
- By running this 'application' in your browser, you can see how the RadioGroup is displayed.