The EmailConverter is used to create an e-mail and send it as well. The properties reflect the same input that is required when sending an e-mail through a program such as Outlook. It is possible though to add hyperlinks to the messagetext. From Futurama version 5.1.0 it is possible to add style elements and attachments to your e-mail.
Attachments: (From version 5.1.0)
Indicates which image, graph or document (Word or PDF) will be send as attachment. In case you want te refer to an graph or document that is not created in Futurama then it is necessary that the attachments in Futurama will be read as a Base64 string.
If the graph is created in Futurama then it is possible to refer directly to the graph. In case of referring to a document made in Futurama, you have to place the DocConverter within an XmlBuilder so that a Base64 string will be generated (more information can be found on page DocConverter)
Indicates the level of detail of debug information that is logged during runtime of the website to the trace, a logfile, a database etc. The possible values are:
- None: no debug information is logged
- Simple: only basic information is given
- Extended: in addition to the information in the Simple mode the values of all the properties of the object are shown
Here you have to enter the name of the attachment.
Indicates which type of file you want to send as ‘attachment’. This property has to be filled in so that the EmailConverter knows what type of attachment has to be send. For images you indicate this by typing first image and then /”MimeType”. As example: image/jpg
For a PDF the MimeType is: application/pdf. You can find other MimeTypes on page MIME Types
This is the name of the member within the property Attachments of the EmailConverter.
Here a comment can be entered. For example a short description of the attachment.
By giving the attachment a ContentID it is possible to put the image in the mail, instead of as an attachment. In the XSLT file you can indicate where you want to put the attachment in the mail by using this code:

Like in a conventional mail program the mail adresses (separated by a comma) can be filled in here of whom who need to get a blind copy of the email.
Like in a conventional mail program the mail adresses (separated by a comma) can be filled in here of whom who need to get a copy of the email.
Indicates the level of detail of debug information that is logged during runtime of the website to the trace, a logfile, a database etc. The possible values are:
- None: no debug information is logged
- Simple: only basic information is given
- Extended: in addition to the information in the Simple mode the values of all the properties of the object are shown
This is an obligatory property. Here the mail adress of the sender of the email needs to be filled in. The e-mail address of the sender has to match with the SmptServer from where you are sending the e-mail, otherwise it will come in to spambox of the receiver. If you want to send emails from another domain than the server you are using, then the domain has to ‘trust’ the server you are you using bij adding the server to their SPF record. See Sender Policy Framework for more information on this subject
IsHTMLMail (From version 5.1.0)
Indicates if the email will be read in HTML or as textbased mail. This property is a boolean.
Possible values are True or False. If the value is False, then the object can only be used within the document where it is created. If the value is True, then also from other Futurama documents can be referred to this object. This means that changes in the object also affect the document in which is referred to this object. If the value is True and you attempt to move or delete the object, a warning will be given. To limit these warnings to a minimum it is recommended to set IsPublic to True only when necessary.
This is an obligatory property. In this property the text needs to be filled in which is to appear in the mail. This can be a Fixed text, but also a Formula which combines several strings into a single message or a a Reference to another object of Type String. It is however possible to include a 'carriage return' in the text. This makes the text that follows start at a new line. To do this use the Formula LineFeed in the Formula that combines the strings.
For example, the Formula
Concatenate(This is a text., Linefeed(),With multiple lines.)
will produce the following messagetext:
This is a text.
With multiple lines.
MessageXML (From version 5.1)
From version 5.1 it is possible to change the MessageText into MessageXML. This depends on the setting from IsHTMLMail (True).
When the IsHTMLMail is set on True the name of the property will be MessageXML. This means that the input must be XML because the e-mail is in HTML. Further it is possible to write the basic words or phrases for the e-mail in the XSLT file. So the input of the MessageXML can be variable, for example the name of person.
This is an mandatory property. In this property the name of the server which will send the email has to be filled in. Please contact your system administrator for the name of the SMTP Server.
This is an mandatory property. In this property the text has to be set that will appear as the subject of the email.
This is an mandatory property. In this property the mail adresses (separated by a comma) of the recipients of the email have to be filled in.
XSLTFilename (From version 5.1.0)
Here you can enter the path to the XSLT file in which is defined how the mail will be displayed. This property will be visible if the property IsHTMLMail is set on True.
The name of the object.
Here a comment can be entered. For example a short description of the object.
The unique identification number of the object. This number is automatically generated by Futurama on the moment of creation. This number can be used when searching for a certain object in the Find Window.
This example shows the usage of the EmailConverter in textbased mode and in HTML mode. The example is created within Futurama 17.08. So Futurama version 17.08 or higher is required to use this example.
Download the folder Example EmailConverter. Create a Futurama website application and place the downloaded example within this folder.
If you open the website.xml (provided within the example folder) in the Futurama Editor, you can see the way this website is set up. There are a few settings that will be explained below.
- Within the WebPage there are two buttons, “EmailConverterText” and “EmailConverterHTML”. Within each of these buttons, an action is present called “Send mail”. The EmailConverter is placed within this action. Via a condition within the action, it is for instance possible to only send the mail if the filled in Email address meets the requirements.
- There is also a node present called “Mail content”. Within this node an XmlBuilder is placed. This XMLBuilder can be used to send data to the XSLT file in order to create the Email. Within this example the XmlBuilder is empty, because there is no data used within the XSLT file.
- List of the possible HTTP MIME types